Botswana Life Engages Men on Issues of Mascuilinity

In a bid to strengthen community development through empowering and restoring the true identity and value-add of men in society, leading insurer Botswana Life hosted a Father A Nation Symposium on the 3rd of September at New Capitol Cinema in Riverwalk.

The symposium, which examined the challenges that men face and uncovered principles that can motivate them to lead lives of true purpose, discussed restoring authentic masculinity, individual excellence and life skills.

Keynote speaker, regionally renowned life coach, Craig Wilkinson, highlighted: “Our drive as men should not be limited to being good providers, but should also extend to becoming better men, fathers and leaders. We need to become more engaged and more conscious of our purpose in a manner that redefines negative masculinity.  Authentic masculinity also involves being good role models who mentor and lead younger men to do the same.”

“The workshop is designed to empower Botswana Life male staff and their male relatives. We saw this as a great and refreshing way to provide men with a platform to openly discuss the challenges they face and equip them with ways in which they can tackle these issues,” explained Botswana Life Public Relations Manager, Boa Chombah.

The event concluded with the men making voluntary pledges to be more involved in their families by protecting, loving and inspiring their loved ones; to be active in combating inequalities and to use their strength to protect and serve in society.

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